Photo of PAULO FINOCCHI Argentina

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Paulo Finocchi was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Primary Studies: Secondary School Cangallo Schlee: School of Art Fernando Fader. In 1982 he arrived in France where he studied art (Beauxs Arts-Paris). Between 1982 and 1987 he studied computer science (European intututo-ROMA). Between 1987 and 1995 working as a graphic designer for various companies in Casablanca (Morocco) Italy (Rome), and Fort Lauderdale (USA), also...

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39.37 x 70.87 in
Net Art/Digital Art
39.37 x 70.87 in
Net Art/Digital Art
39.37 x 70.87 in
Net Art/Digital Art
39.37 x 70.87 in
Net Art/Digital Art
39.37 x 39.37 in
Net Art/Digital Art
39.37 x 39.37 in
Net Art/Digital Art
70.87 x 39.37 in
Net Art/Digital Art
59.06 x 39.37 in
Net Art/Digital Art
47.24 x 47.24 in
Net Art/Digital Art
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Photo of PAULO FINOCCHI Argentina

Paulo Finocchi was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Primary Studies: Secondary School Cangallo Schlee: School of Art Fernando Fader. In 1982 he arrived in France where he studied art (Beauxs Arts-Paris). Between 1982 and 1987 he studied computer science (European intututo-ROMA). Between 1987 and 1995 working as a graphic designer for various companies in Casablanca (Morocco) Italy (Rome), and Fort Lauderdale (USA), also held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) designs for firms DISNEY, TULIP, PRIME THE OLD WAREHOUSE etc. First artistic performance in Buenos Aires in 1996: POPEROTICARTe. In 1997 made the animation video of the show COPI A PORTRAIT, by Thtre National de Bretagne (Rennes, France) and the Festival Grec in Barcelona (Spain). In 1998 part of the 98 NEW YORK Gay Pride and exhibited at the New Century Gallery in New York (U.S.). In 1998 also exhibits at Le Divan du Monde (Paris-France) (Collective exhibition against FIAC) and the Galerie LDMATIGNON (Paris-France) (LE CORP Exhibition) In 1999 sets of Chatter Arrte Crache et ton sperm inspired drawings of COPI in Thtre de la Ville (Abesses-PARIS) From 1999 to the year 2000 creates its 2000 performance LAN BITES POUR 2000 (2000 gender for the year 2000) and covers much of Europe by photographs Number of male gender and exhibiting in Paris - London - Barcelona Brussels - Lille - Montpellier - Gourin In the year 2000 Edition Gay-Kitch-Camp publishes his first book of photos: 2000 BITES ... (2000 lags) in the year 2000 out in LA GALERIE-Z (Paris) and Festival QUESTION OF GENRE (Lille) In the year 2001 set out in the DU FESTIVAL DES ARTS VILLAGE Montral (CANADA) As in year 2002 during the DU VILLAGE DES ARTS FESTIVAL in Montreal (CANADA) arising from your new job: Interdit (Forbidden) (expo-documentary) In 2002 his works are of dArt Collection du Muse Erotic Secret (CANADA) One of the largest collections of erotic art from Canada - United States ... In 2003 writes ART? MON CUL, and NOW ... A LA GUERRE, two short films and participated again FESTIVAL DES ARTS DU VILLAGE in Montreal (CANADA) in 2004 has LART EN ERECTION (ERECTION ART), assembling all the material (photos and images) collected for 4 I work on the human artistic excitement?) represented by males in the ESPACE Tiphaine in Paris (France) In 2004 he was invited to present her short film Interdit at THE NEW FESTIVAL (New York State U.S.) In 2005, NOW made the war (and war short of their responsibility, Paris (France) in 2006 presents THE WAR NOW at several international festivals. In 2007 prepared a bar-expo-aphrodisiac in the city of Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)

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